Sunday, October 27, 2013

While you were out:

I’ve been a naughty blogger but we have truly been going going going non-stop since Thursday. We went and watched Andrew’s brother perform as Sherlock Holmes on Thursday & Eisley got baby sat by my parents for the first time. Friday & Saturday we spent time with family from out of town & today we’re taking Eisley trick or treating at an awesome Western Town that my family’s church puts on. Eisley is going to be Snow White and Andrew and I two of her dwarves. I can’t wait to post photos of us all together. But in the meantime, here are some sweet images to wrap up my wonderful weekend. My beautiful little girl in dreamland and Andrew wearing the fabulous yarn beard I fashioned for him last night.

photo 1
photo 2


  1. Such a sweet pic. Can't wait to see pics of the costumes!

    1. It was so much fun! Everyone was giving us extra candy for being dressed up as well. There was SO much candy. I stole a couple pieces and made Andrew take the rest with him to work! Hahaha. I think we were the only parents who dressed up too!


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