Thursday, August 22, 2013

Five Weeks in Photos.

I've been slacking on posts lately, my friends. It's hard to push myself to do anything outside of the little bit of normal housework when I have such a beautiful little girl to look at all day. Any who, I'm going to post some of my favorite photos from the past five weeks with my wonderful Eisley Mae.

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  1. She's absolutely beautiful! How's cloth diapering going?

    1. Thank you! It's actually going really well. I will be honest, minus the hugeness of them, I love the one size diapers much better than the newborn diapers. Now if only Eisley could grow into them a little more! :)

  2. she has some serious cute sheets and blankies!!!
    is she rooting on andrews nose?! LOL isaiah ALWAAAAYS does that with crue and then crue gets so mad when theres no milk! im like quit teasing him! loll. its so cute tho :)

    1. Oh my goodness, Eisley way more blankets than one little girl needs, but I totally love the all and may borrow one from time to time :)

  3. She is precious! She looks so cuddly!


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